0 2 min 1 yr

Recently, Free People Dao officially announced that it will launch its second ecosystem, which is committed to creating a more open, transparent, secure and scalable blockchain ecosystem, and providing a new generation of digital asset trading methods for the blockchain industry. The second ecology of Free People Dao will become a comprehensive support center for global digital asset transactions and related technologies.

The core of the ecosystem is a governance model based on contribution, which allows a mechanism similar to DAO organization distribution to motivate traders and contributors to participate in network governance. The second ecology of Free people Dao also adopts a decentralized network. At the same time, the ecosystem also provides comprehensive digital asset management and asset robustness supervision to ensure the security and compliance of digital assets.

A member of the DAO from the Free people Dao community said: “We are very proud that Free people Dao can launch the second ecology. The governance rules of the second ecology will become the leader of the global digital asset trading industry and will inject new energy into the development of the blockchain field.” With new vitality, I hope that Free people Dao will make the second ecology of Free people Dao a benchmark in the digital asset trading ecosystem through brand-new governance and technical means.”

The second ecology of Free People Dao has received extensive attention and support from global partners and supporters. Next, Free People Dao will continue to invest more resources and energy to promote the development and improvement of its second ecology, and continue to Improve its digital asset trading ecosystem to better serve global digital asset traders and holders.

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